Saturday, August 31, 2019

Westboro Baptist Church

Persuasive opinion paper God hates fags, Thank god for dead soldiers, Thank god for Hurricane Katrina, Pretty harsh right? These are all common phrases publically protested by a church called the Westboro Baptist church. You would think such comments should be illegal to chant out in public considering that gay marriage is now legal in some states and also that soldiers are out fighting for us, however members of the Westboro Baptist church feel differently. Westboro Baptist church was established in 1955. Located in Topeka, Kansas, Their goal is  to â€Å"preach the Word of God to this crooked and perverse generation†. They take on such goals by publically protesting these horrendous phrases on street corners, gay festivals, and more shockingly the funerals of dead soldiers. Sounds illegal and disrespectful however according to the first amendment, which is freedom of speech, they are within the words of the law. I am personally against the actions of the Westboro Baptist church. In my opinion it is downright disrespectful and should not be allowed. However in a legal aspect such protesting and picketing are done carefully within the law. According to the The Respect for America’s Fallen Heroes Act, you must stand at least 500 feet away, which is exactly what they do. Shouting phrases and holding up signs that would make anyone’s jaw drop, they have no shame. Soldiers risk their lives for us each and every day so we can enjoy the freedom we have and also to make sure we are safe. The argument that the Westboro Baptist church members are using their right to freedom of speech is almost ironic because had it not been for the courageous acts of our soldiers, they would not be granted the ability to publically protest they do. They are taking advantage of a right that would not be in place if it weren’t for the fighting of our soldiers. They should be awarding them not protesting at their funerals. They believe god loves dead soldiers because soldiers are out fighting for and condoning many of our rights; one specific right is the ability to be married to a person of the same gender. Secondly, God hates fags? This phrase insults Americans all over the world that have chosen to be gay. Members of the Westboro Baptist church refer to the bible for the reasons they feel sodomy – which defined by dictionary. com is the oral copulation with a member of the same sex- is filthy. However I believe that it is all about the interpretation of the bible that makes this excuse invalid. Many religious people read the bible and every religion interprets the word of God differently. So for members of the Westboro Baptist church to publically express their interpretations and what they believe is the real meaning of what’s written In the bible is absurd and a stain on their faith. The final thing done by the Westboro Baptist church that catches the eye of many Americans is the upside down flying of the American flag. According to the members, the upside down flag is a sign of distress. They feel that the entire country is in mortal danger and the upside down flag is a symbol that represents that. The American flag has such a significant meaning here in the United States. We cross our right arms over our chest to honor and respect this symbol of our country, so for the members of this church to hang it upside down is such a slap in the face to what it truly stands for. At this point nothing can justify the actions of the Westboro Baptist church. They are set in their ways and believe that God hates fags, God hates dead soldiers and that the nation is doomed. The only way to â€Å"save ourselves† according to the Westboro Baptist church is to repent and hope there is still time. Everything they stand for and believe in is all disrespectful to our country and what the united states in known for. While mourning the death of a soldier, the last thing any person related to that soldier would want to see is a huge group of people basically praising their death. Also, the hatred they have toward gays should not be publically protested. On June 26th 2003 the Supreme Court ruled that they must respect sodomy. This caused an outrage and only caused more picketing and protesting. In conclusion I believe that the actions of the Westboro Baptist church should not be allowed. They should be banned and made illegal. Although in violation of the first amendment, where will the line be drawn? I Westboro Baptist â€Å"Church† The pseudo-religious â€Å"ministry† of Westboro Baptist Church has been in existence since 1955. Based on its own propaganda, this group is anti-homosexual, anti-american, and basically anti-everything. Subheadings on this site include â€Å"God Hates The World† and â€Å"America is Doomed†. This organization has used the method of protest and public assembly to get their message out. This message combines typical elements for fear mongering, scapegoating and unsubtle calls to action that are endemic to hate groups of all kinds. The site uses provocative language and obnoxious methodology (such as picketing funerals) to call attention to their efforts. That the group uses the vehicle of Christian religion to frame their nonsense is offensive not only to those who would abhor an anti-gay message in general, but also to those who espouse true religion and, while they may not condone or agree with certain lifestyles, understand that it is, according to all Judeo-Christian doctrine, not their place pass judgment. Since the early 1990s, this group has been attempting to spread their â€Å"message† through protests (they claim 34,000 to date) that take place at any public situation that is subject to media attention. This includes funerals of military personnel, and openly gay citizens. They carry signs with provocative, insulting language, and personify hate and ignorance wherever they go. Interestingly, the focus appears to be on criticizing those things they disagree with (Homosexuality, War, etc. ) yet they offer no remedy or hope of salvation. They claim that their Church is that hope, but make no attempt to suggest a course of action that would mitigate the perdition to which they seem to feel the world is doomed. In sum, this group seems to be nothing more than an organization dedicated to the preaching of hate and condemnation of all things American. As is typical, while criticizing the United States for its tolerance of differing viewpoints, Westboro unashamedly takes advantage of the First Amendment to protect their right to spew such hatred in public venues. The reactions of individuals to this group’s methodology and methods seem to be universally negative. Even those who might agree with the sentiments do not condone the manner in which they are expressed. Those who disapprove of this group’s message fall generally into two groups: those who don’t condemn the gay lifestyle or U. S. War in Iraq, and those who may or may not so condemn, but abhor the manner in which their religious beliefs and holy book are misused to promote this group’s agenda. Of the two, religious people seem to have the strongest reaction against Westboro. The reason for this reaction is very simple. The group not only misrepresents Christian doctrine, is besmirches the reputation of all Christianity by painting the religion and its God as vengeful, hate-filled, and mean-spirited. Most Christians believe that their faith is founded fundamentally upon love and forgiveness, to elements notably absent from Wesboro’s philosophy. In fact, the very name of their website invokes an attitude that is contradictory to the teachings of most Christian churches. The idea that â€Å"God Hates†¦Ã¢â‚¬  anyone or anything other than sin is laughably inconsistent with the scripture from which adherents to Westboro draw their â€Å"inspiration†. The â€Å"saving grace† of this entire organization is their apparent lack of any goal at all. Other than shouting about whom and what God hates, the group suggests no specific action. They do not directly advocate violence (although they rejoice in it), they do not ask for repentance, they simply carry signs and tell us who God hates today. This group is as pointless as it is obnoxious. Comparisons to the KKK and other hate organizations fall short fort the simple reason that these other groups, no matter how loathsome and despicable, at least seem to have some purpose to their work. The Westboro group seems intent on doing nothing more that yelling about how terrible everything is, and suggesting that we have all brought these conditions on ourselves one way or another. The twisted use of scripture that this group utilizes is equally troubling. The passages used are taken out of context, and distorted in order to express a viewpoint. As an example, the website uses Romans 9:13 as a justification for hatred, while ignoring the context of the entire letter (from Paul to the Romans), which is a dissertation on God’s mercy. The use of provocative language, cited by one of the â€Å"feelings† reactions has, as was pointed out, no value beyond shock and marketing. The language of hate targets those who feel hate and desire a venue by which they can shout it for all to hear without fearing judgment from their social peers. The fact that they use this terminology merely broadcasts the notion that this group is convinced of its own righteousness, and that no amount of rational discourse can be employed to change their minds. The short response to this group is simple: â€Å"Never argue with crazy people. † As Mark Twain put it, â€Å"Don’t try to teach a pig to read. It wastes your time and annoys the pig. † Nobody on either side of the real issues that this group prates about pays any attention to what they say. As such, they are reduced to background noise, and serve as a representative example that no bottom has yet to be found to the well of human stupidity. They are obnoxious, but harmless.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Business Process Outsourcing in the Philippines

CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE INTRODUCTION Rationale of the Study Paternalistic management approach is a father-like treatment but gives a certain amount of freedom. It is a type of leadership style that focuses more on the welfare of patients but gives a firm decision for everyone. It is a modification of an autocratic management yet it provides patients feedback. A typical paternalistic management approach gives exact details as to why there are certain actions to be taken in managing patients in a certain way.It has been practiced for so many years by many medical professions. Although, this approach still finds an opposition, it continued to thrive as an effective approach in dealing with some difficult patients. Most Filipino workers find a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company as a source of income in today’s century. The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company hires call center agents in the local area. The nature of their work is taking calls from the cli ents and providing information to the consumers. It is a high paying job with health insurance and benefits.Some people chose this kind of work even though it has some disadvantages. Call center agents encountered health problems while working in their designated area. A clinic break is a privilege in some Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies. Some call center agents use this clinic break when they are not feeling well. But some of them abuse this privilege just to avoid taking calls or even to avoid going to work. These patients usually complained of being sick or any other illnesses just to be excused from their own work. Company nurses find it quite difficult in handling this kind of condition in the clinic.As a nurse working in a company, one has to do something in making decision for the best interest of the patient and for the productivity of the company. A company nurse must be able to understand the line of work especially in dealing with difficult patients. For inst ance, in a company, some call center agents are just malingering. Malingering is trying to escape from their work and has to use some means for their own personal benefit. A company nurse must be able to distinguish and find an effective solution to deal with this kind of situation.At times, it is difficult to comprehend the nature of such illness every time a patient complained of being sick. The company nurse has an authority to send home call center agents when they are actually ill. The problem arises when some call center agents pretended they are sick. Thus, a company nurse must assess the patient before the call center agent will be sent home. The researcher chose to conduct a study about paternalistic management approach of company nurses in a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Company. This to determine on how it will help the company nurses in dealing with these patients.The researcher has personal experiences in dealing with malingering patients. The researcher is inquisi tive and is willing to learn for the betterment of the welfare of others. Also, the researcher is competent to gather the needed data since she has been working for two consecutive years in a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company. Furthermore, the researcher believed that it is a good thing to cater the needs of everyone regardless if it’s true or not. A good company nurse is willing to serve for whatever purpose it will lead. Malingering is just a tactical method of a patient that is needed to be understood.The need of the patient should be provided since service is the key in nursing. Theoretical Background This study is anchored on the paternalistic management approach of company nurses in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Company. Paternalistic management style In a nutshell this management style tells the people what is best for them. This may sound the same as the autocratic style, but with the Paternalistic style of management, the business leaders are looking fo r the input of their employees. The business leader will make the final decision but not without careful consideration of the feedback.This gives the employees the opportunity to voice their opinions and ideas. This also allows for more awareness of the employees needs, as people rather than just plain business (Montana, 2008). Paternalistic management style has the same authoritarian dynamic. It is a bit more warm and fuzzy in its approach. It is like being at home with parents that are involved in every aspect of your life. Higher likelihood that employees will be motivated or feel some loyalty based on the concern shown towards them by management (www. universitydissertations. com).Paternalism is the interference of a state or an individual with another person, against their will, and defended or motivated by a claim that the person interfered with will be better off or protected from harm. The issue of paternalism arises with respect to restrictions by the law such as anti-drug legislation, the compulsory wearing of seatbelts, and in medical contexts by the withholding of relevant information concerning a patient's condition by physicians. At the theoretical level it raises questions of how persons should be treated when they are less than fully rational (Husak, 2003).If one believes that sometimes paternalism is justifiable one may do so for various kinds of theoretical reasons. The broadest is simply consequentialist, i. e. more good than harm is produced. A narrower justification is that sometimes the individuals (long-run) autonomy is advanced by restricting his autonomy (short-run). So one might prevent people from taking mind-destroying drugs on the grounds that allowing them to do so destroys their autonomy and preventing them from doing so preserves it. This is essentially Mill's argument against allowing people to contract into slavery.Note that if the theory of the good associated with a particular consequentialism is broad enough, i. e. , includ es autonomy as one of the goods, it can be equivalent to the autonomy theory (assuming that the structure of the autonomy view is a maximizing one). A different theoretical basis is (moral) contractualism. On this view if there are cases of justified paternalism they are justified on the basis that we (all of us) would agree to such interference, given suitable knowledge and suitable motivation.So, for instance, it might be argued that since we know we are subject to depression we all would agree, at least, to short-term anti-suicide interventions, to determine whether we are suffering from such a condition, and to attempt to cure it. More generally, we might accept what Feinberg called â€Å"soft paternalism. † This is the view that when we are not acting fully voluntarily it is permissible to intervene to provide information, or to point out defects in our rationality, but that if we then do make a voluntary choice it must be respected.Or we might agree to being forced to w ear seat-belts knowing our disposition to discount future benefits for present ones. The justification here is neither consequentialist nor based simply on the preservation of autonomy. Rather either kind of consideration may be taken into account, as well as others, in determining what we would reasonably agree to (Sunstein, 2003). When managers try to act as father figures to their employees, they are practicing paternalistic management approach. These managers often give attention to their employees' social needs to maintain engagement and productivity.Paternalistic management training style also involves decision making without employee consultation. The only difference it has with authoritarian style is that decisions are made considering the employee's best interests. Although employees did not have decision making participation, their welfare was considered, thus increasing employee motivation. Most of the time, surveys and investigations are conducted to know how employees w ill take a certain decision especially when changes are implemented (www. ehow. com). Paternalistic  managers give more attention to the social needs and views of their workers.Managers are interested in how happy workers feel and in many ways they act as a father figure (pater means father in Latin). They consult employees over issues and listen to their feedback or opinions. The manager will however make the actual decisions (in the best interests of the workers) as they believe the staff still need direction and in this way it is still somewhat of an autocratic approach. The style is closely linked with Mayo’s Human Relation view of motivation and also the social needs of Maslow (www. tutor2u. net). However, there’s more to influencing than just passing along orders.The example you set is just as important as the words you utter. And you set an example – either good or bad – with every action you take and word you speak, on or off duty. By using your words and example, you must communicate purpose, direction, and motivation to them. Whilst â€Å"paternalism† is defined as a kind of system under which an authority undertakes to supply necessities or regulate conduct of those under its control in matters of affecting them as individuals as well as in their relationships to authority and to each other.Thus paternalism is to supply needs for those under its protection or command, while leadership is to get things done. Paternalism is directed inwards, while leadership is directed outwards (www. ed-leadership. com). In its paternal aspect, it harkens in the line of a father being firm though has good intentions in the life of one’s children and in the business limelight, the employees. The typical paternalistic manager most of the time explains the specific reason as to why he has taken certain actions in management and for his employees (Sullivan, 2005).Two-factor theory distinguishes between: Motivators  (e. g. , c hallenging work, recognition, responsibility) that give positive satisfaction, arising from intrinsic conditions of the job itself, such as recognition, achievement, or personal growth, and Hygiene factors  (e. g. status,  job security,  salary,  fringe benefits, work conditions) that do not give positive satisfaction, though dissatisfaction results from their absence. These are extrinsic to the work itself, and include aspects such as company policies, supervisory practices, or wages/salary.Essentially, hygiene factors are needed to ensure an employee is not dissatisfied. Motivation factors are needed to motivate an employee to higher performance. Herzberg also further classified our actions and how and why we do them, for example, if you perform a work related action because you  have  to then that is classed as  movement, but if you perform a work related action because you want  to then that is classed as motivation (www. netmba. com).Health promotion is defined as behavior motivated by the desire to increase well-being and actualize human health potential. It is an approach to wellness. On the other hand, health protection or illness prevention is described as behavior motivated desire to actively avoid illness, detect it early, or maintain functioning within the constraints of illness (Kozier, 2004). Health promotion services are essential for improving the health of populations everywhere.It is noted that people of all ages can benefit from the health promotion care, which should be delivered at sites where people spend much of their time (eg schools and workplaces). Nurses can develop and execute health promoting interventions to individuals, groups, and families in schools, nursing centers, occupational health settings and the community at large. Nurses should work toward empowerment for self care and enhancing the client's capacity for self care through education and development (Wills,2007).Business process outsourcing or BPO is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide and this is especially true in the Philippines where offshore call center outsourcing services have led the business process outsourcing industry into tremendous growth. The Philippines is has proven to be an excellent venue for offshore call center outsourcing services for three important reasons: the country’s low labor costs, presence of reliable technology and availability of college graduates who posses high level of English and IT skills.Call centers in the Philippines operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They handle inbound and outbound calls and are able to offer multilingual offshore call center outsourcing services in different fields of business to include customer care, marketing, sales, technical support, among others. Offshore call center outsourcing services in the Philippines cater to various industries such as retail, financial services, technology, travel and hospitality and telecommunications, among others (www. piton-global. com).The  Filipino call center industry has helped the country move up the ladders of technological advancement and living standards, leaving its fellow developing countries behind. In the rat race of development, the arrival of the Filipino call center has made such an impact to the once laid-back, culturally torn, and politically chaotic nation. It is therefore right to say that the Filipino call center and BPO industry is a breakthrough for Philippine society and a blessing to its people. What basically makes the industry a breakthrough is its ability to address unemployment in significant percentages.Although it is true that several turnovers occur, the number of hired Filipino call center workers, along with the growing number of call centers that are launching mass recruitment campaigns, are big enough to overshadow turnover incidences. The Filipino call center and BPO industry has been the undisputed number 1 employer for years now and, in view of its current position as the leading BPO hub in the world, it will continue to do so for many years to come. That in itself will make Filipino call center agents proud to be part of this breakthrough undertaking.As for being blessed, anyone who has worked in the Filipino call center industry and stayed there longer would attest to that. Many in the Filipino call center labor force are very grateful that their work is able to pay their monthly bills, send their children to school, or support their families living somewhere in the provinces. Work in Filipino call centers is also a favorable set up for the young and dynamic, who can keep up with the latest gigs as well as maintain their upbeat lifestyle.One of the problems faced by the Filipino call center industry is the fast turnover of its agents. At a distance, this seems like an uncontrollable problem. The real deal is that attrition in the industry can be prevented, if not solved. What management has to do is to assess the important fact sur rounding the Filipino call center workforce: majority of them are young. The youth has a set of common traits that make them prone to employment dilemmas. Being young is always accompanied by a sense of dynamism and adventure.Working in a Filipino call center company may frustrate them in the long run. For one thing, Filipino call center agents just stay in one place for the whole of eight hours. The routinary tasks of reading scripts daily, updating call leads, and filling information in the call log, and other repetitive speech and duties make young people working for Filipino call centers feel as if their life is being compromised. Thus, they would once more search for jobs that will afford them utmost freedom or at least provide them with enough motivation to work.Furthermore, there is a growing trend of materialism among them because the industry they belong to pays higher than the rest – even the government for that matter. Most Filipino call center firms are also situa ted at highly commercialized areas or economic zones, through which famous restaurants and coffee shops, top brands, and dusk-‘til-dawn bars plough their trade. One of the challenges of employers is to divert the attention of these young workers from such a worldly culture and bring back their purpose-driven and career-oriented idealism (www. filipinocallcenter. om). The above theories and literature served as the backbone of this study and this will serve as a basis for conducting a study to determine the paternalistic management approach of company nurses in a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company. THE PROBLEM Statement of the Problem This study will determine paternalistic management approach of company nurses in a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company. Specifically, this study will seek answers to the following inquiries: 1. What is the background characteristics of the respondents in terms of: 2. age; 2. 2 gender; 2. 3 civil status; 2. 4 years of formal educatio n? 2. What is the level of knowledge of the respondents on Paternalistic Approach of Management? 3. What is the level of Paternalistic Approach Practices of the respondents? 4. Is there a significant relationship between the following: 5. 5 Profile and Level of Knowledge 5. 6 Profile and Level of Practice 5. 7 Level of Knowledge and Level of Practice? 5. How has the Paternalistic approach influenced the working relationship between the respondents and the call center agents? 6.How has the call-center agents responded to the Paternalistic Approach of the respondents? Statement of the Null Hypothesis Ho1. There is no significant relationship between the following: 1. 1 Profile and Level of Knowledge; 1. 2 Profile and Level of Practice; 1. 3 Level of Knowledge and Level of Practice. Significance of the Study Paternalistic management approach can be a great help in terms of dealing in a difficult situation. Thus, a nurse must be able to comprehend the needs of every patient visiting the clinic. The result of the study would benefit the following:The Company Nurses. They will find some methods or approaches in treating and caring for their patients. They will also be able to facilitate on improving some of the clinic policies regarding health issues of their patients. The Call Center Agents/Workers. This study will be able for them to appreciate the importance of health and its benefits when given proper treatment and proper evaluation. The Team Leaders of each Operation. They will give awareness in dealing with their agents who frequently visited the clinic The Administrators of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Company.They will find ways and means to cater the needs of their employees regarding health issues and health problems. The Researcher. Through this study the researcher will be able to give some insights about health management and approaches. Future Researchers. This study will serve as future reference for further research study in the future. RESEARC H METHODOLOGY Research Design This study will utilize the descriptive-correlational survey method using qualitative and quantitative approaches to determine the paternalistic management approach of company nurses in a Business Process Outsourcing company.Research Environment This study will be conducted at Wipro BPO Phils. , located at Cebu Business Park in Cebu City and headed by its country head Mr. Gupta Romit (an Indian citizen). Mr. Rex Bispo is the senior manager of Wipro BPO Phils. Branch of Cebu. Since there are Wipro companies situated all over the world. The company started its operation in January 2008 with 400-500 employees at that time. The company occupied the ground floor, 9th floor, 10th floor, 11th floor and 12th floor in the building. The clinic is located at the 11th floor and is manned by a registered nurse.The clinic schedule is 24/7, from Monday to Sunday and it is even open during holidays. The employees ask some over the counter medicines in the clinic to aid their condition. Since they are allowed to have an hour rest for the day, they will have to ask permission from their team leaders or supervisors to do so. Now, there are 700-1000 employees working at Wipro BPO Phils. And even have another branch in Manila which started their operation on 2010. Research Respondents This study included 3 company nurses as key informants.They will answer the Part I-IV of the questionnaire. There will be 8 selective call-center agents as the respondents for the Part V of the research tool. This study used a universal sampling in gathering data. Research Instrument The study will use a researcher-made questionnaire to be used as an interview guide. The questionnaire will be divided into 5 different sets. The Part I is the profile of the key informants. The Part II is for the Level of Knowledge with its parameter limit. The Part III is the Level of Practice with its parameter limit.The Part IV is based on the Influenced of paternalistic management appro ach using qualitative questions. The Part V is the response of the Call Center agents regarding the paternalistic management approach using qualitative questions. Research Procedures Data Gathering The researcher will make transmittal letters in allowing a research study. These letters of requests are for asking permission to conduct a survey. Pre-testing will be done. After the pre-testing, the questionnaire will be then revised to fit for the actual study.The questionnaire included important queries to relate to the study of Paternalistic Management Approach of Company Nurses in Business Process Outsourcing Company. The questionnaire will be then distributed to company nurses and selective call center agents. Each respondent will be given 20-25 minutes to answer the researcher-made questionnaire. The researcher will be visiting everyday for data gathering. After the retrieval of the questionnaire, it will be tallied, tabulated, analyzed and then interpreted as based on the gathere d data. Data AnalysisTo get the result of demographic profile of the company nurses, Simple Percentage will be used. To determine the responses rating of company nurses in the Level of Knowledge and the Level of Practice, Weighted Mean will be used. It will be then categorized and given weight using a â€Å"Likert’s Four Point Rating Scale† The assigned equivalent weights of the responses will be: Level of KnowledgeLevel of Practice 4= Very Important4= Often 3= Important3= Sometimes 2= Unimportant2= Seldom 1=Very Unimportant1= Never The parameter of every response category will be defined through these limits: Level of KnowledgeLower Limit| Upper Limit| Response Category| Interpretation| 3. 26| 4. 00| Very Important| Very Good| 2. 51| 3. 25| Important| Good| 1. 76| 2. 50| Unimportant| Fair| 1. 00| 1. 75| Very Unimportant| Poor| level of Practice Lower Limit| Upper Limit| Response Category| Interpretation| 3. 26| 4. 00| Often| Very Good| 2. 51| 3. 25| Sometimes| Good| 1 . 76| 2. 50| Seldom| Fair| 1. 00| 1. 75| Never| Poor| The Chi-Square will be utilized to determine the relationship between the Profile and Level of Knowledge, and Profile and Level of Practice.To determine the relationship between the Level of Knowledge and Level of Practice of company nurses, the Pearson-r will be used. The Thematic Content Analysis will be utilized to get the result of the responses of Part IV and Part V of the research tool. DEFINITON OF TERMS For a clear understanding of the thesis, the following terms are defined operationally. Background Characteristics-is the description of the key informants who are being studied. It is use to identify age, gender, civil status and years of formal education.Call Center Agents – means people that are hired in a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company. Their opinions and views are being studied regarding the Paternalistic Management Approach. Company Nurses-emphasizes the key informants of this study. They are regis tered nurses working in a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company. Influence –refers to the outcome of Paternalistic Management Approach between the working relationship of Company Nurses and the Call Center Agents. Knowledge on Paternalistic Approach- implies on the understanding of Paternalistic Management Approach.Level of Knowledge- means the degree of understanding about Paternalistic Management Approach of Company Nurses working in a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Having variables of very important, important, unimportant, and very unimportant. Level of Paternalistic Approach Practice- refers to the degree of a repeated action of Paternalistic Management Approach of Company Nurses working in a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company. Paternalistic Approach- means a father-figure kind of a method which has a softer side when company nurses are dealing with patients who are working in a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company.Paternalistic Approach Practice- implies on the repeated action of the Company Nurses using Paternalistic Management Approach in a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company. Respondents- are the key informants of this study. The Company nurses are the one who are being studied. Response-refers to the reaction of the Call Center Agents regarding the Paternalistic Management Approach as practiced by Company Nurses in a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Racism in America related to the book A Raisin in the Sun Essay

Racism in America related to the book A Raisin in the Sun - Essay Example America created the Declaration of Independence in order to gain their freedom from the British, but what Jefferson was referring to had a subtle hint behind it—at that time this freedom could only be truly experience and admired by white men. The black slaves who worked on white men’s farms were treated as items of property and were not thought of as human because of the very fact that they were black. This racism was hidden under the surface and lasted for many years—even after the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, freed slaves from their white masters. However, this feeling of racism continued on until Martin Luther King Jr. led African-Americans to fight for their rights through the Civil Rights Movement. The reasons for the formation of this movement are shown in Lorraine Hansberry’s book â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun† (1994). In this book, the author details a story that shows how an African-American family struggles with the i ssues of racism in and around the time of World War II. The racism suffered by this family caused this predominantly poor family, which in total comprised of three generations, to gradually become worse off than they previously were. Their jobs only provided enough money to give them a place to sleep and nothing more. This can be highlighted by the fact that the youngest child was sleeping in the living room, the college daughter had to share a room with her mom, and even their whole family had to share the bathroom with other family members because there was only one throughout the entire house. However, the family had a dream that they would one day live in a house that would have enough space for everyone to live comfortably. The reality is that this dream was not only shared by them; every other black family at that time held onto this same dream. The matriarch of the family, Mama, commented that their ancestors had slaved away so hard for this country during the five previous g enerations, but they have not received anything from this country that can be considered fair and just. One of the most significant moments in the history of black people in the United States was the American Civil War. The underlying reason why the American Civil War occurred between 1861 and 1865 was to free black slaves and give them their freedom. This was what the Abraham Lincoln said; however, the real reason for the war taking place had more to do with the economy. The Southern states contained a great number of black laborers who worked on farms—this had helped their economy experience huge amounts of growth over a long period of time. On the other hand, the lack of slaves in the Northern states had caused their economy to grow at a snail’s pace. This economic imbalance within the United States had started to come to the boil, but only became key economic issue when Mr. Abraham Lincoln proposed a law to set slaves free. As was expected, the Southern states did not take too kindly to this thought, so war occured and it became known as one of the most violent wars of the 19th century. Once the war had ended, the Northern states reaffirmed their belief to make it legal to free all slaves; however, the South fought against these anticipated laws very aggressively. As such, the war didn’t really accomplish everything that it set out to—

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

How Art Influence the Exhibitions Musicals Drama Museums Essay

How Art Influence the Exhibitions Musicals Drama Museums - Essay Example Art has influenced architecture, music, exhibitions, museums, drama and a variety of other aspects of life. Therefore, this discussion seeks to establish the major influences that art have had on a variety of aspects in life, with a view to creating an appreciation of the relevance of art in life. Thus, the influence of art in exhibitions, musicals, drama, and museums form the subject of this discussion. The primary function of museums has been defined as that of collecting and preserving objects (Salamensky, 2012:72). Nevertheless, the truth remains that Museums are not simply involved in the mere collection of objects, but more specifically the collection and preservation of objects that might be of a relevant value to the society in terms of historical essence to the society, which needs to be passed over from one generation to the other (Duthie, 2013:n.p.). No wonder therefore that museums have been closely associated with archiving, since almost any of the objects that are collected and preserved in the museums has a certain relevant historical value, either at the time it is collected or in the future. Museums play the role of display of the relevant objects that have been collected and preserved for posterity. The Post-humanist Desire Exhibition on display graphic design has been applied to divide the exhibition into several themed sections, such as transformed human section, cloned human section, and the transgendered human section, thus graphic design has helped to present the divergent complex characteristics of human beings in the 21st century. The application of art in the Post-humanist Desire Exhibition on display is in the form art symbolism, where the welcoming message of the museum is made of a combination of the message â€Å"Welcome† with an addition of a gorgeous peacock to symbolize beauty (Culture Taiwan, 2013:n.p.). This combination of both textual and graphic art design is artistically interpreted to mean Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest† (Culture Taiwan, 2013:n.p.).

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

HUI 235 Sex Love and Tragedy in Early Italian Literature Assignment

HUI 235 Sex Love and Tragedy in Early Italian Literature - Assignment Example Dante took pains for the development of his character reaching the final concept of love. He presents her first as a quite ordinary woman who achieves greater status at the end and it likens her to Christ. Here Dante wins his attempt of constructing his own legend; the Holy Beatrix. Dante could not acknowledge the fact that Beatrice was one of many ladies. Later, different meanings are attributed Beatrice like the symbols of Christ and miracle (The Florence Newspaper, n. d.). Virgil is the other character appearing with Dante in Inferno. Critics have attributed different symbolisms to the presentation of Virgil’s ghost in the poem. They are of the opinion that the ghost represents human reason which guides and protects persons from the world of sin. Reading through the poem, one feels that Virgil’s character best suits for reason where he proves sober, measured, resolute, and wise. He has been presented in the poem as the protector of Dante from demons and monsters. Virgil also reminds the readers about the significance of religious faith— Reason is powerless without faith, by following the words of angelic messenger. Here, Virgil acts as the guide of Dante, who enables Dante to have a clear view of Hell and for strengthening his moral lessons. He leads him as a master, expressing the acknowledgement and appreciation of the classical tradition. Francesca was the contemporary of Dante, whose presentation in Inferno attracted the attention of many critics. According to them her personality is sufficient to atone for her sin. For a reader it is easy to understand her character. Presenting Francesca in his poem was a great challenge to Dante. But he won in his attempt to present her as one of the most charming creatures to appear in world literature (Alighieri,Dante., Musa, Mark, 1995. P. 310) Her aristocratic behavior is well appreciated and it enables her to wipe out her

Monday, August 26, 2019

Critically reflect on the nature of management practice and the role Essay

Critically reflect on the nature of management practice and the role theory plays, if at all, on management practice - Essay Example An organization is a very intrinsic system, and to make the system to remain sustain a considerable amount of flexibility is required (Dawson, 2009, p.13). This kind of organizational flexibility is given by the heterarchy organizational structure where the flow of information is not constrained. On the other hand a hierarchical organizational structure is one where every organizational entity excluding one is the subordinate of the other entity. It is not a flattened structure and has a centralized power of control. In this kind of structure the power is on the top level and it diminishes at the subsequent levels (Allee, 2002, pp.78-79). The hierarchical organizational structure is seen almost in every big company where there exist different levels of power of authority and management. But in today’s scenario of adaptation to more of flexible structures heterarchy organizational structure is the best mode for system formulation. Though it has not been seen as a very regular m easure in many organizations but those corporations who has such a flattened structure is more flexible and provides better scope for development. Thus according to me both the structures has its pros and cons but heterarchy organizational structure is the best structure to be adapted. Heterachy organizational structure is a lateral coordination of organizational diversity. It has been characterized as a distributed intelligence that is negotiable at multiple evaluative criteria. From the past two centuries hierarchical organizational structure has been the dominant model. In the early 19th century the traditional approach in the organizational system was more prominent. The bureaucratic traditional approach emphasized more on the rational control. This control was exercised through formalized communication in order to avoid misuse of power. Scientific management gained more efficiency in

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Data Collection Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Data Collection Proposal - Essay Example (2006). The difference between primary and secondary sources of data is crucial in social research. Primary sources are data which are unpublished; that is, the researcher has gathered them directly from the target individuals or organization. Primary data include data from fieldwork, interviews, and unpublished documents like minutes of meetings. On the other hand, secondary data are any data which a researcher has gathered that have been published before. Secondary data include previously published books, journal articles, and newspaper articles. Mixed method that includes qualitative and quantitative data will be used in this research. Qualitative data will used determine if Bariatric surgery put patient at long term risk and complications of weight. Quantitative data will be used in determining the number of patients who responded differently when put under Bariatric surgery. Primary data will be collected from healthcare providers with information on new devices, drugs, delivery systems, and software for managing patients who have undergone Bariatric surgery. All the legal and ethical issues were taken into consideration as stipulated by law. 50 patients who had undergone Bariatric surgery will be randomly sampled from the information provided by the healthcare providers. This will provide a sufficiently large but feasible number to use in the analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis will be used to analyze the data. This will help in explaining how the data look, (by giving the minimum and maximum values), the what the centre point of the data is (by giving the mean), and how spread out the data may be related to one of more aspects (by giving the standard

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Project management coarse work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Project management coarse work - Essay Example One such result is the Denver International Airport Baggage Handling Project. In order to highlight on the high regard placed on project management, it is imperative to cite an example of such catastrophic failure, which accrued from poor project management. The Denver International Airport is currently ranked as among the five busiest airports in the world. The baggage handling system had a budget allowance of five hundred and sixty million. As such, it is of magnitude that will best depict the importance of this art if indeed project management can be regarded as such. This paper will explicate on the exact failures of the project management team while simultaneously endeavoring to relay alternative courses of action that would have yielded the desired results, if not better. Analysis Few failed projects can rival the extent to which the Denver International Airport baggage handling system cost the American tax payer. Given this significant impact, it is not startling that there ex ists numerous data to be sourced from the web expounding on the project. It is on this rationale that the internet fashioned a core data source for this paper. However, these sources might conflict on trivial details, what they do agree on is the insurmountable figures that characterized the baggage handling system. ... The baggage handling system was to cut delays by tremendous figures while simultaneously slashing aircraft turn around to as little as thirty minutes. On paper, it was the perfect project on which the new airport could embark. However, the dissimilarity between how the project appears on paper and in the actual senses all depends on the efficacy of the project management team (Lock, 2007). The resultant system, which was put in place, was a mere shadow of the project that had been envisioned. It neither had the glamour nor the efficiency of the proposed system. The Denver International Airport baggage handling system best exemplifies dysfunctional decision making. A series of these flawed decisions transformed a remarkably brilliant undertaking into a laughable ghost of the original project. The question now becomes who is responsible for this failure. A number of key errors were made along the way but, the bulk of the blame ought to lie with the project management team (Project Mana gement Institute, 2008). This stems from the fact that, it was their mandated task to guarantee a smooth and definite transition of the project from paper into real life. Project managers should first seek to understand the nature of their projects before they embark on them. This is in relation to the respective complexity, schedule, scope and the allocated budget. After gaining this vital understanding, they should then endeavor to make decisions with these facts in mind. An oversight that was made is that; the complexities that were to accompany the project were not well understood and subsequently handled. Thus, when in the advanced stages of the project, when such complexities arose the team was not well positioned to react accordingly. The implementation of the

Friday, August 23, 2019

The motivation theories and staff retention at web design companies Essay

The motivation theories and staff retention at web design companies (digital communication agencies) in UK, Spain and Italy - Essay Example Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs suggests that the basic physiological needs have to be met first before a person can look ahead. Only when the basic needs are satisfied he clamors for safety needs, need for love, self-esteem or self-actualization. As one need is somewhat fulfilled, the other needs become important and this motivates or influences his behavior (Accel-Team, 2006). This corroborates with Herzberg who proposed that an employee’s motivation is understood when his attitude is understood (Tietjen & Myers, 1998). Herzberg determined that happy feelings or a positive attitude was always task-related while the bad attitude or unpleasant feelings depend upon the surroundings. These are the motivators and include recognition, achievement, career advancement and the work itself. These motivators cause positive job attitudes because they satisfy the need for self-actualization, which is the last in the hierarchy of needs of Maslow. Motivation differs significantly from satisfaction. Motivation to work can come from external factors or from within. Organizational commitment itself is a motivating factor and no satisfaction with job is a demotivating factor. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs basically speculates that people’s needs are satisfied progressively, only when basic needs are met do their aspirations rise and other goals are set. Thus when the employees are motivated, their dedication and initiative increases as Brown et al., (2005) suggest that the need for self-training arises only later. Employees should be able to identify with the firm’s style which gives rise to the necessity of self-training. Knowledge about the work is essential and continued training in the digital communications firms is considered essential. According to Herzberg two factors act upon the motivation of employees – the hygiene factors and the motivators. Hygienes are the intrinsic entities while motivators are intrinsic (Tietjen & Myers, 1998). According to Herzberg

Heart disease. Comprehensive Health History Paper Essay

Heart disease. Comprehensive Health History Paper - Essay Example The disease has subjected him to continuous medication and treatment services that are costly and time consuming (Esselstyn, 2007). The disease has also compromised his social, economic and psychological capacity. This has been affecting his self-ego and esteem. These are fundamental elements for effective human development. The patient has experienced heart failure on a single occasion in the year 2012. Consequently, David increased the dosage and vigor of medication. The patient has been taking Asprins, Beta-blockers and Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors designed for coronary heart failures and will continue until his status improves. David has also been subjected to continuous therapeutic nursing care services. It is highly likely that David will need such services for a lengthy period until the disease heals completely. Health status, support and perceived barriers David’s health status is currently improving due to the medical assistance available to him. His rampant chest discomfort has been reducing because he is not exposed to the potential risk factors. Consequently, his rapid pulse rate and prolonged breath complications that used to affect him have been treated using Calcium channel blockers (Esselstyn, 2007). Consequently, David can perform several tasks making him hopeful. This has enabled him to realize the power of friends and medical officials in his medication process. Various individuals including his friends, doctors and community members in the state have been treating him with care. These individuals are instrumental because they allow him to recuperate and ensure that necessary support is available. As noted, the friends and other concerned parties have been supporting him with material, spiritual and physical assistance. The incentives are to make him regain his potential and recuperate faster. However, various barrier s compromise the effectiveness of the initiatives. These barriers include lack of adequate resources, poor diet and effective prevention of preventing atherosclerosis Chief complaint (CC) and History of present illness (HPI) The Chief Complain during the time of the interview included chest pain compounded with the shortness of breath. It is crucial to highlight that David has been taking Asprins to address the chest pain. However, the shortness of breath has not been fully addressed. David attributes his illness to high blood pressure, tobacco smoking, atherosclerosis and high cholesterol levels. Indeed, atherosclerosis is the leading cause that attack individuals from childhood (Gregson, 2001). The disease hides in the body cells and pronounces itself at maturity stage. This high risk factor is what exposed David to coronary complications at his age. Its

Thursday, August 22, 2019

James Hurst’s short story “The Scarlet Ibis” Essay Example for Free

James Hurst’s short story â€Å"The Scarlet Ibis† Essay People with pride always do the right things. Sometimes they can make they pride better, but they are cover with a sorrow in their mind for what they have done. These people often have a happy life, but they are holding sadness. In James Hurst’s short story â€Å"The Scarlet Ibis† Brother helps Doodle because it makes Brother feel good about himself. Helping Doodle makes Brother feel good because he was embarrass for having a handicap brother. For instance, bother was ashamed for â€Å"having a brother of that age who couldn’t walk. †(557).This shows that brother hates Doodle because Doodle cannot walk. This also shows that brother did not want Doodle to be alive because he was embarrassed for having a cripple brother. An example of Brother embarrassed because of Doodle was when he â€Å"having a cripple brother.†(559).This show that Brother was mad about Doodle could not walk. This also shows that people could kill someone for their pride. Another example of Brother was embarrass for having a handicap brother was when Brother taught Doodle how to walk and saying that the people â€Å" did not know that I did it for myself.†(558). This shows that brother was helping Doodle to walk. When Doodle started walking, he was not embarrassed anymore because he having a normal brother now. This also shows that Brother take his own hand to help Doodle, but he did it for his pride. Brother was a bad person for what he had done for his pride, but not for Doodle. Brother was selfish for what he had done for himself. This visualized how Doodle had trying hard to learn to walk for Brother pride. Brother help Doodle to do thing and it makes him feel good because the other people were happy for what he had done. For instance, the family was happy because Brother â€Å" had taught him how to walk.†(559).This shows that Doodle start walking makes the family and Brother really happy. This also shows that Doodle was not thinks that Brother taught him how to walk because of Brother pride. Another example about the family was happy about what brother had done was when the family hugs Brother, so he â€Å"began to cry.†(559).this shows that brother was happy to have a normal brother, he was happy because everyone thought he was a hero. This also show that Brother was ashamed because of what he did it for himself, but not for Doodle, so he cried. Furthermore, the family was happy about What brother had done, and the family â€Å" Dance together quite well†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (559). This show that the family is celebrating for Doodle and cheering for Brother, so brother was really happy. This also shows that Bother is proud of himself, he realize that Doodle is really special for him because Doodle make him happy. Brother was happy and also sad for what he had done for Doodle Helping Doodle makes Brother feel good because he wants Doodle to be normal like other kids. For instance, Bother was happy to teach Doodle â€Å"to run, to swim, to climb trees, and to fight.†(559). This shows that brother have faith in Doodle to do other things beside walking. This also shows that brother believed himself and Doodle ability. He knows that he could done more for Doodle. In the same way, Brother wants Doodle to be normal so he gave Doodle â€Å"swimming lesson or showed him how to row a boat.†(560). This shows that Brother begin to teach Doodle how to do things, so Doodle does not have any problem later. This also shows that Brother cares more about Doodle more than his pride. He pushed Doodle to be normal like other kids. Furthermore, Brother wants Doodle to be normal and Brother made Doodle to â€Å"swim until he turned blue and row until he couldn’t lift an oar.†(560).This shows that Brother pushes Doodle over the limit to make him to do things. This also shows that Brother makes Doodle tired even if Doodle has physical problem. It is too much for Doodle to handle. Brother was pushing Doodle too much to learn stuff even if Doodle is tired. Doodle could be dead because he was sick. Pride makes life meaningful for people, but sometime their pride can be bad because of what people did I life. Like Brother, people can take advantage to make their pride better. Sometime these people care about their pride, but not the other.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Work Of Stanley Kubrick Film Studies Essay

Work Of Stanley Kubrick Film Studies Essay Stanley Kubrick became an amateur photographer after getting a camera as a gift. He became an associate photographer at Look Magazine after selling an photograph of a newsstand after Franklin Roosevelt. After several years as an photographer he went into moving pictures, directing and producing his first piece entitled Day of the Flight in 1950. After this he went on to create two more documentaries entitled The Flying Padre and The Seafarers . Then he started doing feature films starting with Fear and Desire, a film that he later sought out all prints of so that no one could watch them. A film is or should be more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, whats behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later Stanley Kubrick Some of Stanley Kubricks films use music especially classical to develop an idea. As with Richard Strausss  Also sprach Zarathustra throughout the film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Classical music dominates the film and some argue that the music tells the story not the characters dialogue. The first and last 20 minutes of the film are consumed by classical music. A Clockwork Orange also effectively uses classical music, the film focuses on Alex Delarge, portrayed by Malcolm McDowell, is a deviant who gets conditioned to become a functioning member of society. The government brainwashes Alex with the Ludovico treatment which conditions him to associate horrific crimes with his favorite symphony Beethovens Ninth until the final scene where he discovers he is no longer under the treatments effect. Sometimes Kubrick used music ironically like in A Clockwork Orange Alex sings Singing In the Rain while raping a woman in front of her husband. And  his film Dr. Strangelove ends with  images of nuclear holocaust are accompanied by Vera Lynns version of the WWII song Well Meet Again. The final scene in Full Metal Jacket has the battle hardened Marines singing the theme to The Mickey Mouse Club. One of his signature shots was The Glare a characters emotional breakdown is shown by a close-up shot of the actor with his head tilted slightly down, but with his eyes looking up usually directly into the camera. Kubrick also employed wide angle shots, character tracking shots, zoom shots, and shots down tall parallel walls. Entrapment is a theme of Kubricks films. The characters almost always succumb to their inner demons or assailants. Alex DeLarge is rehabilitated as an ultraviolent thug with the help of the government. Jack Torrance is finally conquered by the overlook hotel. The doomsday device kills everyone. Happy endings are clearly not acceptable in a Kubrickian fable. Visually, the classic corridor shot is the prime indicator of being completely overwhelmed and dwarfed by your surroundings. Its such a striking technique that communicates so much.   Man vs. Technology the ultimate battle is to prove our humanity is superior to machinery. Like with the conflict between HAL 9000 and the scientist.. the Ludivico technique in clockwork is again an effort to dehumanize alex by obliterating his primal rage through a highly scientific and experimental technique. Full Metal Jacket was Kubricks take on the military turning men into killing machines. The sergeant finds Gomer in the bathroom and screams What is your malfunction! as if he were not a human with severe emotional trauma, but a robot. Kubrick  commonly the theme of dehumanization because he was fascinated with the dark side of human nature and not because he thought all humans were basically evil.   Some prime examples of his trend are The Shining, and Full Metal Jacket.   These films explored dark side of the human psyche and the violent nature of human beings. The Shining is about a family that stays at a hotel during the off season to take care of the place.   Jack Nicholson plays the father, Jack.   Staying with Jack at the hotel is his wife and son.   Their son, Danny, has a special psychic abilities which he calls shining.  Ã‚  Jack eventually starts to go insane after spending a few months stuck inside a hotel with his family.   As the film progresses we see Jack continually break down mentally until he finally snaps and tries to kill his family.   The hotel where they stay is haunted and Jack begins to see things and people who arent supposed to be there.   These supernatural entities a re the ones that push Jack over the edge.  Ã‚  He was already disturbed before he saw any ghosts but it was the ghosts that influenced him to kill his family.   The isolation that Jack felt made him paranoid and he believed he had to kill his family because they  were trying to interfere with him and his job as the caretaker of the hotel.  Ã‚  One camera shot in particular displayed Jacks descent into madness.   It is the glare shot which is a common shot in Kubrick films which tend to show a characters emotional meltdown by showing a close up of the actor with their head tilted down slightly and their eyes looking up straight into the camera.   In the Shining, the glare shot occurs when Jack is staring out a window and viewing a snow covered ground.   The camera slowly zooms in on Jack who has demented look on his face. In the first half of Full Metal Jacket, the sergeant, played by R. Lee Ermey, is brutal to the trainees.  One trainee in particular gets the brunt of the drill sergeants punishments.   Nicked named Private Gomer Pyle, who is played by Vincent DOnofrio, is overweight and slow which makes him a target of the drill  instructor.   The whole point of the drill  instructor is to make the trainees capable of killing.  Ã‚  The drill instructor pushes Pyle so hard that Pyle begins to go insane and eventually he shoots the drill  instructor and then  puts the gun to his head.   The film shows how Private Pyle is systematically conditioned to become a killer.   He loses the innocence that he had before arrived at training camp  and becomes a psychotic killer who kills himself. The second half of the film jumps abruptly to Vietnam, following Joker played by Matthew Modinet. The film climaxes in a battle between Jokers platoon and a sniper hiding in the rubble, who is reveal ed to be a young girl. She almost kills Joker until his reporter partner shoots and severely injures her. Joker then kills her to put her out of her misery. This film was seen by some as a sad example of dehumanization in film. Many of Stanley Kubricks films were nominated for Academy Awards in various categories, including Best Picture for  Dr. Strangelove,  A Clockwork Orange, and  Barry Lyndon, and Best Director for  2001: A Space Odyssey,  Dr. Strangelove,  A Clockwork Orange, and  Barry Lyndon (seven overall nominations), and 2001: A Space Odyssey  received numerous technical awards. He would be the first director to use the now oft used Steadicam .He would endlessly researching his topics, and going on to produce documentary style films that were shockingly real and acknowledged by the people who were there, especially with Full Metal Jacket, in which Lee Armey a distinguished military veteran served as technical advisor. Kubrick was notorious for his attention to detail. Reportedly, when working on The Shining he would sometimes film a scene a hundred times. His desire for perfection lead to the delay of some films and others were never made. Like the Napoleon film or the delays in filming Full Metal Jacket. The only film that Kubrick didnt have full auteur control over was Spartacus Kubrick , Stanley Full Metal Jacket , 1987 , Warner Bros. Pictures à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. 2001 A Space Odyessey 1968, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The Shining, 1980, Warner Bros. Pictures à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ A Clockwork Orange, 1972 Warner Bros. Pictures à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Dr. Strangelove, 1965 Columbia Pictures à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Barry Lyndon 1975, Warner Bros. Pictures Ronson, Jon Stanley Kubricks Boxes, 2008 , World of Wonder Pipolo, Tony. The Modernist the Misanthrope: The Cinema of Stanley Kubrick..  Cineaste  Spring 2002: 4-49. Patterson, David W.. American Music, Fall2004, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p444-474 Ronson, Jon. The Guardian Newspaper Saturday 27 March 2004 Perel, Zivah. Literature Film Quarterly, 2008, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p223-232 Galenson, David W.; Kotin, Joshua. Historical Methods, Winter2010, Vol. 43 Issue 1, p29-44

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Presidential Election Of 1976 Politics Essay

The Presidential Election Of 1976 Politics Essay In the year 1976, a very close race transpired between the former President Gerald Ford and an unexpected dark horse, Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter was an unknown former naval officer and one-term governor of Georgia who rose up to become the Democratic Presidential Candidate. Gerald R. Ford was just ending his term as President, which came about from a very corrupt situation. Following the Watergate scandal that consumed Nixon and shocked millions of Americans, Gerald R. Ford, as House Minority Leader, became President after the Vice-President Agnew resigned. While Ford was popular when he first became President, his popularity had slowly dwindled over the years. This being the first election after the Watergate scandal, it was a good time for the unknown Washington outsider, Jimmy Carter, to rise up and steal the presidency for himself. Starting back at the beginning, Jimmy Carters journey was not a nice walk in the park. He was not well known and was unlikely to even become the Democratic presidential candidate. Knowing hed have to spend a lot of time campaigning to get the attention of the voters, he decided to start campaigning more than a year before the election. At the end of 1974, he began to campaign and was the first candidate to do so. As the Democratic Convention approached, there was little hope that Carter would win. He was known as Jimmy who? and was running against other well-known politicians. All of a sudden, his luck changed at the Iowa Precinct Caucuses when he won more votes than all of the other candidates.6 Fortune continued with him at the New Hampshire primary in February, 1976, where he beat out five of his rivals. At the Democratic Party Convention, he won enough votes to beat out the California Governor, Jerry Brown, making him the official Democratic Presidential Candidate. President Gerald R. Ford also had a hard time of becoming a Candidate. Many people questioned him during this time because he became President without being voted on after the Watergate scandal. During the Republican Convention of 1976, his only competition came from Ronald Reagan. It was a very close vote between the two, but in the end Ford won and was again in the running for the Presidency. Another man running, named Eugine McCarthy, was the chairman of a third political party called the Independent Party and announced his candidacy on January 1975. This party came about because some people believed that the Democratic Party was too willing to compromise in order to get elected. McCarthys main agenda was to be very liberal and, as the season began, he did everything he could to keep his name in the paper. At the beginning of the election, McCarthy chose William C. Ford as his running mate. However, that didnt last because William Ford decided he wasnt going to run and bailed out. That made McCarthy mad. He decided that the office of vice president should be abolished and didnt choose another running mate. McCarthys campaign wasnt well known and he only got his name on four ballots.4 Unfortunately for McCarthy, he was never a competitive with the other two candidates because he wasnt allowed to participate in the Debates held between Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford. The final blow came when Jimmy Carters campaign started to challenge McCarthys campaign. Some of McCarthys supporters left him for Jimmy Carter in fear that Gerald Ford would win the election. In the end, McCarthy got about one percent of the popular vote and pretty much ended the Independent Party.4 Now that the two Candidates had been chosen, the different parties began to focus more heavily on their platforms. The Democratic Party Platform wanted to increase the amount of jobs available in the U.S. and cut down the unemployment rates by 3% by the time of the next election. They pledged to favor a tax reform and cut from the defense budget. On the social side of the platform, the Democrats declared that they would not create an antiabortion amendment. They did, however, want to regulate gun control and create a national health care insurance. For foreign affairs, the Democrats wanted to create a Panama Canal treaty that guarded U.S. interests while still supporting Latin America. Jimmy Carter wanted to continue to improve the relations with the Soviet Union, in the hopes that they could relax the Cold War tensions that still lingered. He hoped to spread the promotion of human Civil Rights throughout the world without using military force.2 The Republican Party Platform was almost the complete opposite of the Democratic Party Platform. Economically, the Republican Party promised to lower tax rates and create more jobs so people could get jobs easier and be able to pay taxes, while increasing the government funding. Another key point of the Republican Party Platform was the opposition to a national health care. Their main argument against this was that it would increase government spending by seventy billion dollars in the first year alone. Some other parts of the platform were to increase defense spending, oppose gun control, retention of the Panama Canal, and constitutional amendments to ban bussing and abortion.1 The real campaign for the Presidency started in September. A Gallop Poll was taken and showed Jimmy Carter leading with a support of 49% of the population, while Gerald Ford trailed with 39%.6 In one of Gerald Fords speeches he said, The question in this campaign is not who has the better vision of America. The question is who will act to make the vision a reality. Over the next two months not much was done and one newspaper said that it put the voters to sleep. Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford talked together and decided to have a series of debates, like the ones held between Richard Nixon and John Kennedy. It had been over a decade and the revival created a tradition of debates that is still used today. This was also the first time a debate was held in a public setting instead of in a studio. The debates would be over both domestic and foreign policy issues affecting America. The first debate occurred on September 27th in Philadelphia over domestic issues. It got off to a slow start with a 27 minute delay because the sound system shut off. Jimmy Carter spent his time talking of how Washington hadnt had a real leader in four years and called Ford out on his so called insensitivity to the unemployed. Ford replied by accusing Carter of not knowing the facts and having the details to back it up. Ford pushed for more jobs by expanding the private sector, controlling government spending, and lowering the federal tax. At the end of the first debate, most people believed Ford won and that Carter was too nervous and very hesitant with his answers. This caused Ford to become more popular and make the race much closer.8 The next debate took place in San Francisco and covered International Policy. Before the debate took place, it was inferred that Gerald Ford would easily win this debate. However, things quickly went south and President Ford made a huge mistake. From the start, Jimmy Carter went on the offensive and challenged Ford by saying Ford had surrendered International Affairs to the Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Later in the debate Ford stumbled over a question about the Soviet Union and made a mistake. Many think this mistake kept him from becoming President. This caused many voters to believe that Ford was unintelligent and news of his costly mistake was talked about by many news reporters. Another Gallop Poll was taken after this debate showing that Carter was in the lead with 48% versus Fords 42%.8 In the third and final debate, the topic was about everything and anything. Ford was asked questions on his defense of Nixon and the Watergate Scandal while Carter was asked why he thought his lead had dropped down so far. This debate also asked questions on gun control, the Supreme Court, and possible amendments to the Constitution. To wrap up the debate, both candidates were asked what sacrifices they would require of the nation when times were difficult. Ford responded, Those necessary sacrifices to preserve the peace an adequate military capability and a few billion dollars more in defense funding. On the domestic side, sacrifices would be those that would hold the lid on spending so that we could have a long overdue and totally justified tax decrease for the middle-income people. Jimmy Carter responded by saying there wouldnt be as many sacrifices in his Administration. His main goal was to create more jobs and work on getting inflation lower with strong leadership. The only sacrifice would be to have a couple guidelines and a voluntary price restraint. Overall, this debate was very subdued with minimal accusations compared to the other two.8 After these three debates, many voters were still undecided. This election would be no landslide victory. Jimmy Carter just needed to get to Election Day fast, while Gerald Ford needed just a few more days to bridge the gap. On the day of the election, there was a big voter turnout with over four million more people voting than the year before. However, that was from more people coming of age. There was a higher percentage of voting age people voting in 1972 than in 1976. The numbers for the popular vote was very close between Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter with Gerald Ford picking up 48%, Jimmy Carter 50%, and Eugine McCarthy picking up the other two. However, while the Electoral College votes were still close, there was a wider gap with Jimmy Carter holding 297 votes versus Gerald Fords 240.7 The strange thing about this election was that it wasnt based as much off of north and south. It was split up into east and west, which hasnt happened very often in the history of Presidential E lections. With that Jimmy Carter won the Presidency even though at the beginning it seemed hopeless. The Election of 1976 was very similar to the Election of 2012. In both election years, the voting was extremely close which made it not much of a victory for the two men elected. Another striking similarity is that the elections occurred during a time of war and turmoil. In 1976 the Watergate Scandal had just blown over leaving the public with a bad taste in its mouth. Now, in the year 2012, our country is currently at war with Afghanistan due to the terrorist acts of Al-Qaida. On September 11th 2012, on the eleventh year anniversary of the destruction of the World Trade Center, terrorists attacked again and killed the ambassador of Libya along with other violence around the globe. Both of the Elections occurred during momentous times in history. One last similarity between these two elections was the debates. In 1976, the debates had a huge impact on the election. Jimmy Carter himself, believed that if there hadnt been the debates, he wouldnt have become President. In 2012, the deba tes were similar in the way it helped the challenger for the Presidency and gave each a significant bump in the polls. However, in 2012, the incumbent, President Obama, won the election, while in 1976, the challenger, President Carter, won the election. Overall, the election of 1976 was a very important Election, just like every other Election in history. It was memorable in the way it started the precedent for debates in an election, not only between the Presidents, but also the Vice-Presidents. In this election, there was a fierce battle between two very deserving candidates. In the end, the Incumbent President, Gerald Ford fell to a new era that marked the beginning of the Democratic Hold of Office. In the next two elections the Republicans regained control of the Presidency, but the Republican Partys popularity has continued to dwindle. Once again, a Democrat (President Obama) has been voted President. Sources: David C. Whitney (2009), The American Presidents 11th Edition: Biographies of the Chief Executives, form George Washington through Barack Obama. William A. Degregorio (2009), The Complete Book of U.S. Presidents: 7th Edition. Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley (2008), The Presidency A To Z Fourth Edition. By: Ginny Glockzin

Monday, August 19, 2019

Homework #1 :: essays papers

Homework #1 When I was growing up there were very few computer games that could be used as learning tools. As a child I did have computer class, however this class was used to practice typing or for playing recreational games such as Frogger. When thinking about what to write this paper on I thought of one game that has been on the up rise with children as well as adults. This game is called The SIMS. I thought that this game would be a perfect learning device to teach a variety of important subjects to the age groups ranging from 10-13 years old. My idea is that it would be incorporated in to a family living/economics/home economics class, most likely in a junior high setting. I think it would be best if each student had a computer of their own and worked individually. As their teacher I would pre-set other families for their â€Å"sim† or â€Å"sims† to interact with. In The SIMS you have to create a family. The student can have a single person or a larger family (the limit is eight). The student can choose everything from the color of their skin down to what outfit the character can wear. The next step is to create a personality for your â€Å"sim.† You can choose from a variety of qualities such as cleanliness, kindness and playfulness. Each family starts with $20,000 in the bank. This start up money is used to buy property or a house to live in. Here the students will be taught how to budget their money wisely, because just as in the real world there are extravagant and frivolous things you can purchase in the game. Once the house is set up it is time to look for a job. There are ten job tracks to choose from: business, entertainment, law enforcement, life of crime, medicine, military, politics, pro athlete, science and x-treme. Each of these lets your â€Å"sim† move up in their field if they keep up their training in activities such as cooking, mechanical, charisma, body, logic and creativity. Without keeping up with these tasks your sim cannot keep his/her job. Also important in The SIMS is to interact with other sims. A sim can move in with another sim, date, propose as well as get married (same sex or not). Just as important is keeping to your sims bodily needs such as sleep, hygiene, eating and fun.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Globalization in Afghanistan Essay -- Free Trade, Global Commerce

Afghanistan’s importance with respect to the cultural impact of globalization is increasing as the war in Afghanistan draws down. Afghanistan sits on the edge of the unknown. Once the United States leaves it will be left to create its own destiny. The eyes of the world will be on Afghanistan to see who it allies with, who it trades with and how it conducts itself. Historically speaking, Afghanistan has modernized only when forced by invaders. The Soviet Union built many roads, schools, power plants and other infrastructure to help its newly installed puppet regime, and facilitate its movement through Afghanistan. The USSR saw Afghanistan as country in the way of its pursuit of a continuous stretch of land to connect it to the Indian Ocean. Alexander the great saw it as an obstacle in his expansion east, and Genghis Khan saw it as an obstacle in his westward expansion. Afghanistan is like a time capsule. Many people farm for subsistence, and few are able to read or write. Afghans have been compared to Spartans in that they are a martial people who have been at war for thousands of years. The rough terrain in which they live lends itself to long periods of resistance. Time and time again they have been able to push away would be conquerors. The current war in Afghanistan stands in contrast to previous wars because its purpose is not one of conquest for land or for the exploitation of resources. The purpose of the current war in Afghanistan is to win over the Afghan people and to help them grow ideologically to assimilate into an ever more technologically advanced global environment. Recently Afghanistan has grown significantly in terms of its ability to care for itself. A national army and a developing police force are becomi... ...:// The Ministery. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2012, from Ministry of Transportation and Civil Aviation: United Nations Development Programme Afghanistan. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2012, from Environment and Energy for Sustainable Development: vision. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2012, from Ministry of Communications and Technology: Lopez, Brendan CDT H-4 ’12. Assistance given to the author, verbal discussion. CDT Lopez edited my paper and gave me feedback on style and format. He recommended that I reword the intent behind the Soviet contributions to Afghan infrastructure. He also recommended that I discuss the lengths that the American government had gone to build cell towers in Afghanistan.

Essay --

‘Some years ago everyone lived perfectly fine without a smart phone or tablet, but now people suddenly ‘need’ to have one!’ Most people will have heard someone say this or something similar before. And it seems to be true at first sight, smart phones and tablet are now more a normal good than a luxury good. The implication is that marketing artificially creates needs. In this essay we will discuss the question if marketing really does. We will discuss this question from the point of view of a producer or product designer. It will appear there is another side to the story. But what exactly are needs? ‘Needs are the basic human requirements for air, good, water, clothing and shelter. Humans also have strong needs for recreation, education, and entertainment.’ (Kotler & Keller, 2012) Since needs are basic human requirements, they are in the nature of mankind. Therefore they cannot be created by marketers. But why do people think marketing does create needs? Because they confuse needs with wants. Needs are not specific objects. The specific objects are wants, and they can satisfy the need. (Kotler & Keller, 2012) The needs already exist, marketing develops products that fulfill those needs. (Meredith, 2008) But people may not be aware of their needs, and therefore think that marketing has created a new need, but what marketing has actually done, is uncovering the need, by providing a product that satisfied the need. The need already existed, and marketers found a product that responds to it. Identifying needs and providing a product that sat isfies the needs is the main business of marketing, that is why marketing is used. Business is basically identifying and serving customer’s needs at a profit. (Meredith, When Leaders Don't Lead, ... ...d society do. So if you ever hear someone complain about needs that are created by marketers, those people just didn’t know they had that need. Bibliography (n.d.). Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2012). A framework form marketing management (5th ed.). Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Meredith, B. (2002, February). Awesomely Disquieting. NZ Business, 16(1), 47. Meredith, B. (2005, December). When Leaders Don't Lead. NZ Business, 19(11), 70. Meredith, B. (2008, September). (How) marketing has changed. NZ Business, 22(8), 102. Pereira Heat, M. T., & Chatzidakis, A. (2012). 'Blame it on marketing': consumer's views on unsustainable competition. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 36, 661. Vidal Diaz, d. R. (1998). A single consumer or different types of consumers: An analysis of social types according to their customer habits. Brithish Food Journal, 100(7), 326.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

My first trip

Immediately they unloaded Eider's shiny black Ford Focus, and headed to their hotel suite. Once they were inside they all picked out a room, and went to get a nights rest. Allison woke up before anyone else, so she went to make coffee. As the smell of the strong, coffee filled the suite, everyone began to awake. Dillon looked like half awaken zombie as he made his way to the kitchen. Allison poured everyone a cup of coffee, and turned on the TV Just as the breath taking image of snow fell across the screen. It seemed to be the weather forecast for that very day.They all began to listen carefully as the weather man described the windy, wet, and snowy day that was ahead of them. They couldn't help but cringe. Weather conditions like that make for a harsh day on the side of the mountain. Allison seemed to be out her daze and back into her own head again, as Dillon started laughing. â€Å"What's that funny' Allison replied. â€Å"The look of anxiety on your face, Just stay calm, today will be fine! † Dillon said. He was right, maybe not the ideal weather for skiing but they would still enjoy it. Before Allison could say anything, Dillon started digging through the gear on the table.Looking at the mound of gear thrown everywhere it reminded them of a post tornado. Jackets, boots, goggles, gloves, helmets, and bibs completely dispersed. Allison knew that her bright silver boots would stand out, she backed up and evaluated the whole table. Sure enough she found them. Dillon then started complaining about his bindings on his board and criticized the salesman for his lack of knowledge about the gear he sales. As the knocking noise of the ski-lift drifted through the mountains, they all held on carefully, looking down at all the steep, scary, slopes below them.This was Ellison's first time skiing, so she was extremely excited to try it out! While the ski-lift rocked back and forth Dillon, told Allison some advice for surviving the slopes on the mountain. She coul dn't pay attention because she was so ecstatic to ski that his advice went in one ear and out the other. They came to the top of the lift and Jumped off, Allison fell onto her back as her skis slide out from under her feet, while Dillon lidded smoothly down the slick little hill proceeding the lift.Allison stood up in time to see the shiny snow start to fall down on the slopes. She snapped her feet back into the skis and looked down at the terrifyingly, steep mountains. Allison took a deep slow breath, no turning back now. Ellison's adrenaline picked up and flew through her body faster than the speed of lightening. She was amazed and terrified all together. Going down slopes made her feel like she is floating on air. With the snow leaving fresh layers of white dust laying al about, it felt like being shot straight out of a rocket.The slopes seemed endless. Her goggles kept fogging up, and the thought of falling off the side of the mountain or hitting a tree kept crossing her mind. W ith her face covered in freezing ice, she tried to clear her goggles while keeping her balance. She hadn't learned to slow down or stop on her skis yet, and instantly regretted it. While she attempted to swerve around the other hundreds of skiers, her speed had picked up so much that she became afraid of the next couple of actions that could cake place on the gigantic slope.Gaining even more speed, and losing more balance, she knew that she would have to stop herself soon before the speed took over her body and became dangerous. Taking a huge breath in, trying to stop her skis she was flung forward out of her skis, tumbling down the horrific hill. Completely disoriented from the fall, she tried to stand up but her legs were shaking like an uncontrollable seizure. She was soaking wet from the beyond freezing snow that covered her whole body. Dillon quickly approached her, carrying her skis, along with his board; His face seemed terrified. Are you okay, Ally? † Dillon asked, â⠂¬Å"I'm fine, Just a little shaken up† replied Allison. She knew she couldn't give up, finally standing back up but still feeling wobbly from the accident, she gave it another try. Knowing things could have ended much worse, she attempted it over and over again, until she got it right. Even though she had fallen down multiple times, skiing couldn't compare to any other feeling in the world, and she had a great time on her first skiing adventure!

Friday, August 16, 2019

CompareandContrast Essay Microsoft vs Apple

Their products can last years like their laptops for example, but if you have a windows based laptop you need to replace it very year in order to keep up with technology. When talking about what to compare with these two companies I am going to focus on the logo, stocks, and their operating systems. Apple is a more consumer-based product, while Microsoft tends to reach out more towards businesses. Apple's logo is more classic and just a picture of an apple with a bite out of the apple. While Microsoft's is just the name Microsoft with four colored squares that look like a window.Microsoft looks like a combination of Google and Apple's design elements. Microsoft tries to use design elements from multiple companies in order to help them with the public. No more logo in technology is more known than Apple's. Microsoft has tried many times to rebind themselves. According to Matt Burns, Microsoft's logo is â€Å"simply me†, and I couldn't agree more (Burns, 2012, Para. 3). Microsof t has regained its position as the number 2 most valuable US company right behind Number 1 Apple. Apple is a maker of closed and proprietary Technology products.Apple has earned a commanding market value of 669 billion in comparison to Microsoft's 408 billion. Apple develops its in secret and unveils them to the public with presentations shown to people all over the world. Apple and Microsoft are in a dead heat this year with shares of Apple rising 21. 5% and Microsoft rising at 20. 3%. â€Å"During the intermediate term, it's a close battle, too. Shares of Apple are up 69. 8% over the past three years, just marginally ahead of the 63. 6% rise by Microsoft. (Karate, 2014, p. ) The edge goes to Apple; over the last five years Apple is up 314% compared to Microsoft 91 % gain. Contrary to popular belief prior to the phone 6 coming out, Microsoft outsold Apple on cellophanes. The trouble for Microsoft though is only 5. 8 million out of 36 million was smartness. Apple SO X and Microsoft Windows are two of the most used operating systems. When is comes to the operating systems Apple has more software bundled with their operating system than Microsoft. There are more titles available on the Windows platform. SO X has more offerings in music and video production.You can run windows non Mac, but you can't run SO X on windows. So you have the best of both worlds on an Apple computer. When it comes to security of the operating system a vicious program can change the system on windows without you even knowing it. When it comes to Apple, SO X added â€Å"sandbagging to improve protection against mallard and Trojan. † (â€Å"Apple vs.. Microsoft,† 2014, Para. 6) When it comes to viruses you have to buy additional software to protect it on a Microsoft operating system, but with Apple it comes built into their operating system.When you want to upgrade your operating system it is more affordable with Apple. If you wanted the newest operating system with Apple it would be free if you had the prior operating system, and with Microsoft it would cost 1 19. 99 for just the upgrade version. With Apple you can just install it from the App store, but with Microsoft you would have to go to a tore to purchase it. While SO X has the benefit off faster startup and higher performance, the graphics applications run faster on Windows.The question of what company is better in my opinion is Apple. All the hardware and software just works well together. Apple offers an absolutely flawless integration of hardware and software. Only with Apple do you get a system built by the same group who makes the operating system, the applications and the computer. The Apple operating system and its hardware make for a far more reliable, less troublesome environment than Windows. Microsoft just does not have a consistent, coherent and unified brand like Apple clearly does.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

McCarthyism’s Connection to Crucible Essay

During the 1940s to the 1950s, McCarthyism took its way, ruining innocent people lives through false the accusations of being affiliated in Communism. The innocent people that were accused and not found guilty couldn’t return back to their normal lives. One of the people that were trialed was Arthur Miller, author of The Crucible. Miller didn’t take this lightly and felt that something had to be done, so he wrote The Crucible connecting the McCarthy trials with the Salem witch trials. There were numerous relations of the Salem witch trials and McCarthyism, but there were three that stood out the most. During the McCarthy trials and Salem witch trials, innocent people endured the scare factor which brought out strange behavior, the accused couldn’t go back to their regular lives, and the accused had to endure the harsh interrogations. In The Crucible and during McCarthyism, it was prudent to go by the expectations that society presented or one may run the risk of having their reputation flawed. In The Crucible, Abigail and few other girls were discovered dancing in the woods by Rev. Parris. When Rev. Parris discovered this he couldn’t let it go, because during those times if you had time to dance then you had time to read the Bible. Innocent U.S. Government officials lost their jobs to be suspected of being Communist by McCarthy so he may move up the political ladder. During McCarthyism and Salem witch trials, the smallest evidence was used to make their accusations. In The Crucible and McCarthy trials, both include the faulty accusations and harsh interrogations that were placed on innocent citizens. During the time of McCarthyism, people lives were monitored by the government to reveal any unusual behaviors that may be considered Communist. Much of the evidence that was used was pulled out of someone’s file that may have been ten years old. In The Crucible, Proctor was thought of being affiliated with witchery for not coming to church in a couple of weeks. Proctor didn’t come because of his wife’s illness, but even this excuse wasn’t enough to get him in the clear completely. The wild accusations of the McCarthy trials and in The Crucible, created a stir within both societies that caused people to alter their lifestyles in hopes of not being noticed. The Red Scare of McCarthyism was focused in the government system and it stood for such a long time with support from people due to the anxiety of Communists being in the U.S. In The Crucible, nearly  one hundred people were trialed and found guilty of witchery in on year. Giles Corey accused his wife because she was reading a book other than the Bible. The anxiety of the fear that his wife may be a witch brought him to the court to plea his belief. The fear factor, strict expectations of society, and reputations being ruined were factors that made living during McCarthyism and the Salem witch trials nearly impossible to not become involved. Everyone during those times, presented a fear of the witch hunts that caused them to accuse people they have known for years, which kept these trials stable. No one could escape the witch hunts, and those whom did were lucky to not have had their lives ruined and banned from any jobs and spending time with your family. Both periods of time share the regret and unfortunate events that innocent people had to endure.